The Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia sits in the capital city of the country, and is the apex of Indonesian Judiciaries. According to the Law, Supreme Court can have up to 60 justices, however, at present, there are 51 Justices sits in the Supreme Court in addition to 10 Ad Hoc Justices.[1]
The Supreme Court coordinates some 352 court of first instance and 30 appellate court under court of general jurisdiction, 359 court of first instance and 29 appellate court under Religious Court, 28 court of first instance and 4 appellate court under State Administrative Jurisdiction and 19 court of first instance under military court jurisdiction and 1 special court and 1 appellate military court. Supreme Court also supervise no less than 31,000 court officials which consist of 7,900 judges, 9,180 acting registrars, 6,030 bailiffs and 10,247 court staff.[2]
Each court jurisdiction is supervised and managed by Directorate General, which consist of Directorate General of General Court Body (, Directorate General of Badan Religious Court Body ( Directorate General of Military and State Administrative Court Body (
Sources :
[1] Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, Annual Report 2016
[2] Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, Annual Report 2016