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Civil Code
Burgerlijk Wetboek Staatsblad No. 23/1847 dated 30 April 1847 effective January 1848. dan berlaku Januari 1948.
Four Books
- Book 1 on Person: Partially amanded by Act Number 1/1974 on marriage as far as related to Moslem
- Book 2 on Goods: No longer applicable in particular to Land and some part of Security Rights Regime (as far as hypothec and some part of security over movable property)
Amended/regulated by Act No 5/1960 on Basic Agrarian Act and Act Number 4/1996 on Mortgage, and Act Number 42/1999 on Fidusia Security. - Book 3 on Contract: Including wetboek van kophandel, Failissement Verordening, etc
Amended by various legislation i.e. Company Law, Bankruptcy Law, etc - Book 4 on Expiration and Substantiation
Criminal Code
Wetboek van Strafrecht voor Nederlandsch-Indie according to Staatsblad 1915: 732 deemed as in force by Act Number 1 Year 1946 Regulation on indonesian Criminal Law
Minor amendment, last amendment known:
– Government Regulation in Leiu of Act Number 16/1960 and 18/1960 regarding adjustment of Fine in the Criminal Code.
Separate Laws on:
- Corruption (Act Number 31/1999 as amended by Act Number 20/2001)
- Money Laundering (Act Number 8 /2001 on Money Laundering)
- Environment (Act Number 32/2009 on Environment,
- Fisheries (Act Number 31/2004 as amended by Act Number 45/2009 on Fisheries)
- Juvenile (Act Number 11 year 2012 on Juvenile Criminal Court System)
- Others
Procedural law
Civil Procedural Law still generally use the colonial regulations:
- Reglement Op De Rechtsvordering (Staatsblad Year 1847 No. 52 jo. Staatsblad Tahun 1849 No. 63), applicable for European Citizen)
- Het Herziene Indonesisch Reglemen (Staatsblad Tahun 1941 No. 44), applicable for Citizen in the Island of Java and Madura
- R.bG (Rechtsreglement Buitengewesten atau Reglemen for Outside Region) Applicable for Court Procedure outside the Island of Java and Madura
- Influence from various laws such as Law on Judiciaries, Law on Advocates, Law on Legal Aid, etc.
Criminal Procedural Law
Act Number 8/1981.