International Treaties

International Treaties

International treaties that Myanmar is party to

This page is being finalised by the Member State.

The Export and Import Law

The Export and Import Law

The Export and Import Law was enacted by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw ( Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No.17/2015) on 17 September, 2012

There are 6 Chapters in the Export and Import Law.

They are:

  1. Title and Definition

  2. Objective

  3. Supervising and Administering in respect of the Matters of Export and Import

  4. Prohibitions

  5. Offences and penalties

  6. Miscellaneous

For more info, please click here.

Financial Institutions Law

Financial Institutions Law

The Financial Institutions Law was enacted by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw ( Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No.20/2016) on 25 January, 2016

There are 6 Chapters in the Financial Institutions Law.

They are:

  1. Title and Definition

  2. Objectives

  3. Establishment

  4. General Powers and Duties of the Central Bank of Myanmar in Relation to Financial Institutions

  5. License

  6. Non Bank Financial Institution (NBFI) and Foreign Bank Representative Office

For more info, please click here.

Special Economic Zones Law

Special Economic Zones Law

The Myanmar Special Economic Zone Law was enacted by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No.1/2014) on 23 January, 2014

There are 18 Chapters in the Myanmar Special Economic Zone Law.

They are:

  1. Title, Relevance and Definition

  2. Objectives

  3. Formation of the Central Body and its Functions and Duties

  4. Formation of the Central Working Body and its Functions and Duties

  5. Formation of the Management Committee and its Functions

  6. The establishment of Special Economic Zone

  7. Stipulations of Free Zone and Promotion Zone

  8. Types of Investment Business, the Duties and the Exemptions of the Investor

  9. Development Business, Duties and Exemptions of Developer

  10. The Exemptions and Reliefs on the Import Revenue of the Developer and the Investor

  11. The Settlement of Disputes

  12. Withholding Tax from the Source

  13. Bank and Finance Management and Insurance Business

  14. Management and Inspection of Goods by the Customs Department

  15. Quarantine Inspection and Confinement so as not to spread Contagious Disease

  16. Matters relating to Labour

  17. Land Use

  18. Miscellaneous

For more info, please click here.

Myanmar Investment Law

Myanmar Investment Law

The Myanmar Investment Law was enacted by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No.40/2016) on 18 October, 2016

There are 23 Chapters in the Myanmar Investment Law.

They are:

  1. Title and Definition

  2. Objective

  3. Scope of the Law

  4. Formation of the Commission

  5. Resignation, Dismissal from the Commission and Appointment for Vacancy

  6. Duties and Powers of the Commission

  7. Convening of Meeting

  8. Submission of Proposal

  9. Submission of Endorsement Application

  10. Stipulation of the Types of Investment Businesses

  11. Treatment of Investors

  12. Rights to Use Land

  13. Employment of Staff and Workers

  14. Investment Guarantee

  15. Transfer of Funds

  16. Responsibilities of Investors

  17. Insurance

  18. Exemptions and Reliefs

  19. Settlement of Dispute

  20. Administrative Penalties

  21. Exceptions

  22. Security Exception

  23. Miscellaneous

For more info, please click here.

Central Bank Law

Central Bank Law

The Central Bank of Myanmar Law was enacted by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw ( Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No.16/2013) on 11 July, 2013

There are 18 Chapters in the Central Bank of Myanmar Law.

They are:

  1. Title and Definition

  2. Establishment, Aim and Objective

  3. Organization and Management

  4. Capital and Profit Allocation

  5. Accountability and Transparency

  6. Functions and Powers of the Central Bank

  7. Maintaining Monetary stability

  8. Foreign Exchange and International Reserves Management

  9. Issuance of Currency

  10. Maintaining Financial System Stability

  11. Oversight of the Money Market and Foreign Exchange Market

  12. Oversight of Payment and Settlement System

  13. Lender of Last Resort

  14. Relation with Government on Financial Matters

  15. Administrative Action

  16. Prohibitions

  17. Offence and Penalty

  18. Miscellaneous

For more info, please click here.

Myanmar Companies Law

Myanmar Companies Law

The Myanmar Companies Law was enacted by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No.29/2017) on 6 December, 2017

There are 8 Parts in the Myanmar Companies Law.

They are (These include):

  1. Commencement and Definition

  2. Constitution, Incorporation and Powers of Companies

  3. Shares and matters relating to a company’s capital

  4. Management, Administration and Governance; offers of Securities to the public; grant of security by a company; Maintenance of company accounts

  5. Winding up

  6. The registrar, registration office, registration of documents, Powers of inspection and fees

  7. Proceedings and offences

  8. Miscellaneous

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