Special Economic Zones Law
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- Special Economic Zones Law
The Myanmar Special Economic Zone Law was enacted by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No.1/2014) on 23 January, 2014
There are 18 Chapters in the Myanmar Special Economic Zone Law.
They are:
- Title, Relevance and Definition
- Objectives
- Formation of the Central Body and its Functions and Duties
- Formation of the Central Working Body and its Functions and Duties
- Formation of the Management Committee and its Functions
- The establishment of Special Economic Zone
- Stipulations of Free Zone and Promotion Zone
- Types of Investment Business, the Duties and the Exemptions of the Investor
- Development Business, Duties and Exemptions of Developer
- The Exemptions and Reliefs on the Import Revenue of the Developer and the Investor
- The Settlement of Disputes
- Withholding Tax from the Source
- Bank and Finance Management and Insurance Business
- Management and Inspection of Goods by the Customs Department
- Quarantine Inspection and Confinement so as not to spread Contagious Disease
- Matters relating to Labour
- Land Use
- Miscellaneous
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