The Law Society of Singapore
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- The Law Society of Singapore
The Law Society of Singapore (“LSS”) was established in 1967 by section 37 of the Legal Profession Act (Cap 161, 2001 Rev Ed) (“LPA”). In gist, it primarily upholds the interests of the practising lawyers and in this connection it has several purposes and powers granted by legislation: see section 38 of the LPA.
The LSS carries out various statutory functions prescribed under the Legal Profession Act, including:
(a) maintaining and improving the standards of conduct and learning of the legal profession in Singapore;
(b) facilitating the acquisition of legal knowledge by members of the legal profession;
(c) representing, protecting and assisting members of the legal profession in Singapore; promoting in any manner the Society thinks fit the interests of the legal profession in Singapore; and
(d) protecting and assisting the public in all matters ancillary or incidental to the law.
Every lawyer who has in force a practicing certificate in Singapore is automatically a member of LSS.
The mission of the Law Society is to serve its members and the public by sustaining an independent bar which upholds the rule of law and ensures access to justice. The Law Society has also established a Pro Bono Services Office as part of its mission in ensuring access to justice for the needy. The Pro Bono Services Office has been a wholly owned subsidiary of the Law Society since April 2017.